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SAP integration

By integrating your SAP systems, Enterprise Glossary allows enables you to build a library of your SAP BW, BO, SAC and HANA metadata. This enables allows you to document, analyze, analyse and catalogue catalog your BI elements in a transparent and accessible way. Everyone working who works on or with your BI will have the same understanding of the existing queries, reports, key figures, characteristics, variables and other BI elements.


titleAttach your files

To make your additional files available, such as documentation, presentations, etc., it is possible to upload and attach such files to your Entities.

  • Edit the Entity to which you want to attach files.

  • In the properties, enable attachments.

  • Open the Attachments tab and add files by clicking the “Add” button.

  • Optionally, add a comment to your files and save the attachment to the entity.

  • Publish your changes.

titleLink SAP Entities manually

In addition to the relationships between SAP objects that are determined by the definitions in the system, you can create additional relationships manually. For example, you could list the characteristics that are valid for use with a particular key figure.

  • Edit the Entity to which you want to link other Entities.

  • In the properties, enable linked Entities.

  • Open the Linked Entities tab and add Entities by clicking the “Add” button.

  • In the popup select the desired Entities and confirm your selection with “Ok”.

  • Optionally add a relationship comments to the added Entities.

  • Publish your changes.



titleWhere-Used Analysis

As a typical analysis in the SAP environment, the Enterprise Glossary provides a where-used list for supported object types on a separate tab. This allows you to quickly get an overview of the Entities in which a certain SAP object is used.

  • Open an Entity whose usage in other Entities you want to analyze.

  • Navigate to the Where-Used tab.

  • Fields list all the Entities that use the Entity.

The Where-Used Analysis is available for the following obejct types:

Business Warehouse

  • Basic Key Figures

  • Characteristics

  • Navigation Attributes

  • Queries

  • Restricted Key Figures

  • Variables


  • Calculation Views


Tipp: The Where-Used Analysis can also display the usage across different system types. For example you can analyze the usage of a Query in SAC Stories or BO Lumira. In order to do so, you must create a connection mapping between the systems by editing the SAP HANA and SAC connection.


titleChange the layout of an SAP Entity

You can change the layout of SAP Entities by editing the corresponding SAP Template. You can change the position, size and orientation of Fields. Fields that are shipped with the application can also be renamed.

  • Go to “Templates > SAP Templates“

  • Edit the SAP Template corresponding to the object type you want to adjust.

  • Drag and drop Fields to a new position.

  • Drag the border of a Field to change the size.

  • Right click a Field to change the label position and alignments.

  • Click the pen icon to rename a Field.

titleRemove Fields from the Entity layout

You can remove unwanted Fields from the layout of an SAP Template to limit the dispalyed information.

  • Go to “Templates > SAP Templates“

  • Edit the SAP Template corresponding to the object type you want to adjust.

  • Right click a Field to delete the Field.


  • Drag the Field out to the right of the layout area.

Best practice

  • Sync

  • Comment on key objects

  • Expand
    titleAdd Fields to the Entity layout

    You can add previously removed SAP Fields or create new Custom Fields to add more manual information to your Entities. Custom Fields allow you to add any manual information to your SAP Entities.

    • Go to “Templates > SAP Templates“

    • Edit the SAP Template corresponding to the object type you want to adjust.

    • To add a previously removed SAP Field, drag and drop the Field from the field selection into the layout.

    • To add a new Custom Field, click the button “Add Field“ above the field selection.

    • Specify and save your Field.

    • To add the new Custom Field, change the tab in the field selection to “Fields“. Then drag and drop the Field from the field selection into the layout.


    Custom Content




    Tipp: You can also decide to create new categories and tabs.

    Custom Content

    The creation of Custom Entities allows you to include any element into your Enterprise Glossary. For example, you may want to include information about your projects, your organization, or even technical content that is not supported for synchronization.

    Create Custom Fields

    Create Custom Templates

    Create Custom Entities

    Linking Custom Entities




    Best practices and questions to answer

    1. Sync

    2. Comment on key objects