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By adding an Active Directory, existing Users of the domain can be imported. Users with a link to the Active Directory can use Single Sign-On for easier login.
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In the Profile, Users can make personal settings (Avatar (displayed Icon), E-Mail, Language, etc.).
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Entities in the Enterprise Glossary can be organized in Folders via a Directory that is displayed in the Sidepanel.
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Users can have multiple Roles assigned. With them you can define what a user can see and access. You can restrict the folders that a user can see or edit, you can limit the entity types that are accessible by a user or that can be edited by an author.
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You can add a text comment to each SAP Entity that can be read without opening the SAP Entity eg. in the context of another SAP Entity. That way you can for example read about an Variable in the context of a Query without leaving the Query.
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Synchronized SAP Entities can be linked as a shortcut in one or multiple folders.
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All users can post discussions about any accessible Entity, no author rights required. This allows questions to be asked and answered, additional information to be provided, and so on.
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Entities in the Enterprise Glossary have versions that are saved when changes are published. These versions can be browsed, revealing previous states of the Entity.
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As a typical analysis in the SAP environment, the Enterprise Glossary provides a where-used list for supported object types on a separate tab. This allows you to quickly get an overview of the Entities in which a certain SAP object is used.
The Where-Used Analysis is available for the following obejct types: Business Warehouse
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The Enterprise Glossary allows you to perform an analysis of the elements used by an SAP object. This gives you a quick overview of the structure of an SAP object.
The Where-Used Analysis is available for the following obejct types: Business Warehouse
Business Objects
SAP Analytics Cloud
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You can change the layout of SAP Entities by editing the corresponding SAP Template. You can change the position, size and orientation of Fields. Fields that are shipped with the application can also be renamed.
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You can remove unwanted Fields from the layout of an SAP Template to limit the dispalyed information.
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You can add previously removed SAP Fields or create new Custom Fields to add more manual information to your Entities. Custom Fields allow you to add any manual information to your SAP Entities.
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The first step in creating your first Custom Entity is to create the Fields that will make up your Custom Entity. You can choose from several different types of Fields to display the information you want. You can either use a text-based Field (text, long text, rich text) where the Author of the Entity can later enter text freely. Or you can use a value-based Field (checkbox, radio button, drop-down list, token, user selection, date & time) where the Entity author can later choose from a list of predefined values.
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The second step in creating your first Custom Entity, is to create a Custom Template that defines the layout of your Entities. You can select your previously created Fields and drag and drop them into the layout of your Template.
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The third and final step is to create your first Custom Entity. To do this, use one of the Templates you created earlier.
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You can manually create and describe relationships between Custom Entities.
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To make your additional files available, such as documentation, presentations, etc., it is possible to upload and attach such files to your Entities.
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You can use Excel Import to quickly create Custom Entities. This is useful if you already have an Excel file with relevant information. Existing Entities can also be updated in the same way.
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You can add manual information to SAP Entities from an Excel file. Use this feature to combine the technical information provided by synchronization with the business and organizational information available in an Excel file. You can also upload global comments to SAP Entities this way.
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The content of Custom Entities can be exported to Excel. This way the content of the Enterprise Glossary can be shared, even when access is not possible or wanted.
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Best Practice: Overall |