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  1. Goto SE37 and show Function Module RFC_READ_TABLE. Hint: the logon to SAP has to be done with the same user which is used for the SAP connection in Docu Performer
  2. Set an external breakpoint using the right mouse context menu. Do the right click in the last line of coding in the yellow area on the left:
  3. Execute an analysis or documentation in Docu Performer.
  4. When RFC_READ_TABLE is called and the breakpoint is reached you can examine the tables:
    - OPTIONS (to see the selection criteria)
    - FIELDS (to see the fields which are read)
    - DATA (to see the values which were read from the table).
  5.  To examine the tables open the "Tables" tab, then enter the name of the table you want to examine and press enter. The following screenshot shows the content of the OPTIONS table: 
  6. The import parameter QUERY_TABLE shows which SAP table was read:


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