This BW-Trace can be used to log the precise communication between the BW SAP-System and the Docu the Performer Suite.
The result of the trace can be analyzed and the cause of issues can be revealed.
- As soon as the trace is activated, extended logs will be generated in the 'Log' folder (C:\Users\<USER>\Documents\BI Docu Performer Suite\Log\BwConnectionTrace\PerformerSuite).
- Example of the 'Log' folder (there may be more log files):
Step-by-Step instruction
- the Docu Performer the Performer Suite Close
- Go to the your install path ..\DocuPerformerPerformerSuite_root\DocuPerformer\Core\Main
- Open the file DocuPerformerPerformerSuite.exe.config with a notepad
- Set value ActivateERPConnectTracing to true
- The trace is now activated
- Only execute the relevant actions inside the Docu Performer the Performer Suite (makes the search easier)
- Deactivate When you are finished, switch the trace off again:
- Close Docu Performer Close Performer Suite
- Set value ActivateERPConnectTracing back to false
Please send the 'BW'-log files zipped to the Docu Performer Suite Support Team