We recommend that every user installs the Performer Suite (PS) locally on their machine, with the connection to a central PS DB.
If you are missing windows-rights, an admin can roll out the PS centralized (see below 'Alternative Setup', second point).
Recommended path:
- C:\PerformerSuite
- C:\Users\<USER>\Documents\PerformerSuite
Alternative Setup
Anchor #alternativesetup #alternativesetup
- Install the Performer Suite centralized in one shared network folder, like OneDrive or similar (single installation). / Note: Depending on your LAN speed, starting the Performer Suite can be much slower than a local installation.
- Centralized packaging and roll out (multiple installations). / Note: Same as the recommended way above, but rolled out by an admin.
- Deploy the Docu Performer into Citrix is possible (single installation, streamed). / Note: Not optimized yet.