New Features
Product | Description |
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Product | Description |
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Fixed Bugs
DP-6225 Possible DSP timeout leads to a bug
DP-6443 No result in Entity Grid (Multiline Filter: Underscore turns into exclamation mark)
DP-6501 Untitled Sheets in Excel Documentation of specific BW Objects
DP-6490 Document Data Flow Option: Problems with IOBJ chapters
DP-6503 HANA Calculation View "Comment Component" doesn't work properly
DP-6514 Export of Scenarios only exports the General Settings
DP-6504 Sync causes OPTION_NOT_VALID (750 SP30)
DP-6489 Online data flow from FBPA is displayed incorrectly
DP-6492 Constant Value Scan: Match case not working as expected
DP-6491 Excel Export of BO Code Scan leads to a CTD
DP-6507 Analyze & Compare in BO: "Find references within this report" not working
DP-6451 Not possible to display the data flow of a SAC story connected with datasphere objects
DP-6508 Data Flow Layers are not working for DSP objects
DP-6500 Overlapping nodes in the dataflow of a DSP View
DP-6509 Button "Maintain Layers" is missing in the data flow function
DP-6493 Restore initial view when new object is analyzed in the data flow analysis
DP-6475 System Mapping between DSP and HANA does not work
DP-6498 Check Authorization function doesn't work
DP-6482 Migration Booster: Issue when copying Query with Variable on Attribute with reference
DP-6513 Wrong pages created in Confluence during automatic export via AutoTool
v24.1.4 (11.10.2024)
DP-6334 Comment Transfer: Chapter “Grid Comment” was not transferred.
DP-6401 Where-Used: Usage of Data Definitions in SAC gave an error.
DP-6411 License: System Scout functions were incorrectly deactivated as soon as a BW system had expired.
DP-6422 User Manual: Hyperlink for DSP Analyze & Compare was incorrect.
DP-6444 System Scout: System Comparison did not show a "Last change date" for Roles.
DP-6450 Documentation: Error during export due to unexpected COMPID length (not a valid value for C(30,0).
DP-6461 System Scout: The function “Roles for queries” incorrectly displayed a role for too many queries.
v24.1.3 (30.07.2024)
DP-6434 BW-Sync for MultiProvider fails if the BW system is larger than expected (Error while converting table 'DATA').
v24.1.2 (26.07.2024)
DP-6425 Syncing ABAP Relations using SSO or with a Logon Group in your connection parameters causes error.
DP-6432 Documentation of a specific Transformation causes error (Z_RFC_GET_STRING: Data was lost while copying a value).
v24.1.1 (08.07.2024)
DP-6412 DSP documentation: Specific information is missing regarding Joins.
DP-6421 System Scout: Updated function modules (v24.1) causes error when executing the DataFlow mapping analysis.
DP-6423 SAC Sync: The entity type Users fails to sync (Null Reference Error).
DP-6425 BW SAP Sync: Having a ‘SAP Logon Group’ in your connection parameters causes the sync of ABAP relations to fail.
New Features
Product | Description |
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Product | Description |
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Fixed Bugs
DP-6371 Roles-Link in Admin Guide jumps to the wrong window
DP-6357 Settings: A new variant does not save the settings correctly (Documentation of Source Code)
DP-6106 Misleading error when Confluence connection is affected by Proxy Settings
DP-6370 Possible to edit grid comments of different columns at once in Variable Analyzer
DP-6171 Wrong icons for key figures in Query documentation
DP-6388 Datasphere Comment Variant: All Comment chapters are exported but the comment variant includes only one chapter
DP-6362 Wrong display of DSP View Data Flow in scenario if Data Flow View is used
DP-6375 Comment chapter transfer in Comment Template Designer not transferring to entity type Function Groups
DP-6323 Scenario: Where-Used Analysis Result missing
DP-6321 Scenario Export uses the wrong Settings Variant
DP-6305 Only possible to assign/unassign the confluence page in the main entity grid
DP-6304 Scenario of not authorized Scenario folders accessible in multiple contexts
DP-6221 Possible to save a comment without explanation when the explanation of comments is activated
DP-6126 Scenario Directory shows Assigned Entities without selecting a Scenario
DP-6336 Wrong selection of analysis functions when switching between upwards and downwards data flow
DP-6335 Upwards Data Flow stops at HCPR although InfoProviders are based on the HCPR
DP-6312 "Documentation of Source Code" Settings influence the display of source code in Analyze/Compare
DP-6352 Error when performing "List of Data Sources" for SAC Story based on CDS entity
DP-6348 UI was blocked (long loading time) when starting the conditional formatting in System Comparison
DP-6379 The DSP function “Show complete data flow below" didn’t display the data flows of BW, HANA & S/4 objects within the DSP data flow.
DP-6361 Objects falsely displayed as unsynchronized in Datasphere Data Flow
DP-6399 Error in Where Used Analysis of CDS Views in Access Controls
DP-6350 Wrong description of System Scout function Analyze & Compare in the context menu
DP-6339 Data Loads and Usages: EXCEL export shows incorrect number format
DP-6324 Where-Used on Data Definitions does not show the expected result
DP-6393 AutoTool: Documentation Scheduling: Scenario filename settings not applied
DP-6288 DSP Dataflow does not recognize shared entities
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