Reset my password in the Service Desk

Reset my password in the Service Desk


Did you lose access to the bluetelligence Support Desk?
Here is how you can reset your password and find your username.

(lightbulb) Your Username is your Email address.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to https://jira.bluetelligence.de/secure/ForgotLoginDetails.jspa
  2. Select, if you want to reset your Password or Username
  3. Input your Username, which is your Email address.

  4. One minute later you will receive the password reset link.

  5. The password reset will be sent from jira@bluetelligence.atlassian.net.

  6. After you log into the Service Desk, you can change your password https://jira.bluetelligence.de/servicedesk/customer/user/profile

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