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Mapping Analysis of InfoObjects in Tree View

The functionality of Mapping in the Tree View is available for BW InfoProvider, Core Data Services (CDS) Data Definitions, and DDIC Views.
As an example, this page describes the mapping for BW InfoProviders .

An additional feature of the System Scout is the tracing of the mapping of a selected InfoObject from the InfoProvider down to the DataSource(s).
For each level (Transformation, 3.x Rule) it will be checked how the mapping is done for the selected InfoObject. The result will be displayed in an additional column in the Data Flow.

The analysis can be started from the Data Flow view by pressing the InfoObject icon.

Before the analysis starts one or multiple InfoObject or Fields can be selected. All InfoObjects/Fields of the InfoProvider are displayed in a tree structure, you can easily find InfoObjects by a restriction on technical name:

The result is displayed in an extra column (see examples for BW InfoProvider, CDS, and DDIC Views).


If a unique source InfoObject will be detected this will be considered as target InfoObject for the next level in the downward Data Flow. Here is a sample:


You can see that the source InfoObject of 0Deliveries is InfoObject ALIEF, so for the level below in the downward Data Flow, the mapping analysis will be done for InfoObject ALIEF.

The displayed result can easily be exported in Word via "Export InfoObject mapping":

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