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Modeling of Objects

The module Modeling offers the possibility to create SAP BW-Objects with the Docu Performer outside of the SAP system. These Objects are then added to the “Modeling Entities”, which enables comments and the use for developing further Modeling Objects. The export function also offers an automated transfer of the manually generated Objects to the Export BW-System. Here they are created and activated.

BW-Objects can be created manually in the section “Modeling Entities”.

Objects can be created in three different views (see points below):

  • Individual processing in a pop-up window
  • List processing
  • Individual processing (embedded view)

To create a new Object the relevant type or even several types (not applicable for list processing) need to be selected under “Entity Types”. Subsequently, the “Add new” button can be clicked and the different types are offered in a list (see figure below).

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