Naming Conventions HANA

Naming Conventions HANA

The System Scout offers to check the compliance of technical names of entities to your defined naming conventions. The report can be found in the Analysis Reports and in the search view:

Supported Entity Types:

  • HANA_Indexes.png Index
  •  Sequence
  •  Table
  •  Table Type
  •  View
  •  Virtual Tables
  •  Analytic Privilege
  •  Analytic View
  •  Attribute View
  •  Calculation View
  •  Table Functions
  •  HANA CDS Entity
  •  Stored Procedure
  •  Roles
  •  Users

Standard rule

The sample shows 2 different rules that are automatically combined with OR statements when starting the analysis. So only Calculation Views that do not fit any of the 2 rules will be listed in the result list.

Expert Rule

In this example, we want to define naming conventions for the HANA object type "Calculation Views" with the expert rule. Since the technical name of the Calculation Views can have a maximum length of 256 characters, the syntax of the expert rule was supplemented with the expression **. This represents a wildcard for all remaining positions.

The exact handling of this new expression and further syntax additions are explained in the following two examples.

Example 1: possible naming convention:

Position 1 = A, B
Digit 2 = C, D
digit 3 = E, F, G

This naming convention would be realized in the System Scout as follows:


The expression ** fills all remaining 253 characters with a placeholder. Then "Start Analysis" can be used to determine which Calculation Views do not comply with this naming convention.

Example 2: possible naming convention:

By the combination of the new wildcard ** with the expression (<place of the character>) it is possible to address a certain place. Between the brackets, the position must be indicated, up to which the placeholder is valid.

Position 1 = A, B
place 133 = C, D, E
place 240 = digit (with expression #)


The first digit is defined by the two characters A and B as usual. The characters are filled with a placeholder from digit two to digit 132. According to the naming conventions of the second example, the position 133 should contain C, D or E. The characters are then filled with a placeholder from position two to position 132. We then used a double star a second time and combined it with (239). This allows us to reach position 240 and enter the respective naming convention. The remaining places up to 256 are filled with ** placeholders.

  • for performance reason, this analysis is based on the synchronized entities
  • in case no rules are set for an entity type, no check will be done
  • leave a cell blank in case any value should be allowed
  • you can get further information about the rules via the info buttons

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