Maintain SAP System Description and Level

Maintain SAP System Description and Level

The settings "Maintain SAP System Description and Level" can be found in the ribbon "Administration" under "Maintain SAP Systems":

The function in the Maintain SAP Systems area of the Administration ribbon

It is possible to maintain the description and levels of all licensed systems.

System overview with descriptions and maintained levels

The values in the dropdown menu "Level" are by default "Development", "Quality Assurance" and "Productive". It is also possible to add more custom levels via the "Edit available levels"-button on the toolbar.

GIF of a new level being created

Click on "Add level" and define the new custom level. You can only delete custom levels! After saving the changes, it is possible to select the new custom level in the level dropdown menu. Click on the save-button to save the changes. After your adjustment, the descriptions and levels are displayed in the system selection:

The maintained system descriptions and levels in the system selection

During the Scenario export, it is possible to select the export source (e.g. Development, Productive). To be able to fully use these functions you have to set up and maintain the System Levels.


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