Define Layer rules
Layer rules allow that entities are positioned automatically in a certain Data Flow Layer when those are displayed.
There are 2 different types of rules:
Option 1: Derive Layer by entity type
The following rule will cause that all MultiProviders will be added to the "Virtualization" Layer:
Option 2: Derive Layer from a certain digit in the technical name
The following rule will cause all entities with digit "R" on position 2 of the technical name will be added to the "Reporting" Layer:
Up to three values can be entered, starting from the position.
In case certain entities should be set to a different Layer, you can overrule these general rule by assigning single entities directly to a Layer (via the context menu of the entity). A direct assignment of an entity to a certain Layer always overrules the here described general rules.
So the priorities for positioning entities in a certain Layer are:
Check for a direct assignment
If no direct assignment is set, check if the entity type assignment exists (option 1).
If none of the above options are set, check if the technical name fits a "letter rule” (option 2).
In case no assignment or rule is found for an entity, it will be placed in a Layer named "Unassigned".
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