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Change Log v21.1

 New Features

  • Support of Models in SAC
  • Replace the SAC API
  • Offer a new possibility to change the system or disconnect/reconnect
  • Make it possible to open the SAC Story from the entity grid
  • Three additional information in the main UI (SAP User, PS User & Role, Last Sync.)
  • Documentation of SAC Models
  • Support EXCEL Documentation for Roles (Role menu)
  • Scheduled automated Excel export for AfO Workbooks
  • Add option to document and comment "Source Systems"
  • Show Navigation Attributes in Excel documentation for HCPRs
  • Show Default-Text as a preview comment (not burnt-in)
  • Support Excel Documentation for ADSOs
  • Identify CDS Views in AfO Workbooks

  • Offer InfoObject-Mapping in Network Views of Data Flows
  • Single Field/Column Mapping for ABAP CDS Data Flow
  • Single Field/Column Mapping for DDIC Data Flow
  • Show Associations in Analyze/Compare CDS Views
  • Check the usage of ADSOs & DSOs in Master Data Look-Ups of Transformations
  • Where Used Analysis of DDIC Tables and Views
  • Where-Used Analysis for DTPs in Process Chains for Source Entity
  • Consider master data-reads in LookUp Scan of data flow
  • Usage of HANA Repository Entities in Users and Roles

  • Possibility to exclude certain reporting elements when copying the Query
  • Import DSOs as BW/4HANA ADSO with fields instead of InfoObjects
  • Query Copy from and to Aggregation Levels

  • Change the logic of descriptions for DTPs during sync.
  • Enabling SSO should indicate better which User will connect to the SAP System
  • Adjust function of the file
  • Add consistent Connector Icons
  • Packages should not be stored in the source control
  • Extract New Version into documents/temp
  • General cleanup of failed 20.3 DB update (DeleteOrphanCommentTemplateRows)
  • Make it more visible when variable selections contain restrictions (like GT, EQ, etc.)
  • Improve SAC Entity Grid Performance
  • Make it possible to select systems of different types for System Users (e.g. BW-User)
  • Add standard icon if Source system type = O
  • Rework of the database failure screen
  • Adjust TraceConfig.xml creation on Performer Suite start
  • Localize the Excel sheet descriptions and create a Helper class for the max. length of excel sheet descriptions
  • Apply the Windows flashing effect as a general behavior to the rest of the modal WPF dialogs
  • Adjust the SSO fallback-logic
  • Support of the Dark Theme
  • Update DevExpress to the latest version (20.2.3)
  • Rewrite HANA Entity Grid to WPF
  • Improve DB PW change behavior for normal User
  • Split SAC Column Chooser into two tabs like in other components (SAP Metadata vs. Custom Data)
  • Copy BWMT-Link from DP for DTPAs (Data Transfer Process)
  • Offer "_" for all columns in the filter line
  • Show progress when connecting an SAP system

  • Pretty print coding of HANA Table Functions, Calculation Views and Stored Procedures
  • Add options to customize the filename for Scenario Export
  • Add the option "Add Transformations to Layers" to the Data Flow options of Scenarios
  • Improvements of AfO Workbook documentation
  • Update AfO Workbook Excel documentation in real-time
  • Adjustment of the sorting of Query elements in the SetCard Excel file based on the order in Eclipse
  • SetCard Designer Layout adjustment for local selections

  • Performance improvements for DTP-Filter Analysis
  • Resort result list of HANA Code Scan
  • Show Calc. View below generated DDIC View as a synchronized entity
  • Preload all coding of transformations and display it with selection
  • Do not show the technical tables (like DDDDLNUMTYPES) in Data Flow of CDS Entities
  • Rewrite Where-Used Analysis to WPF
  • Prevent InfoProvider export in cases where InfoObjects failed the activation

  • "Depending Elements" only opens (for Queries), if the Object name is DIRECTLY selected
  • Get rid of WatermarkTextBox from Xceed in Translation Steward
 Fixed Bugs

  • Error during sync of InfoObjects when no InfoObject is found in the system
  • Locking exception in the Settings
  • System-level cannot be set twice for BW and ERP System
  • Displayed sync times behave unexpectedly
  • Error in Word documentation of an DTP without Function Modules
  • User Management shows one user, even if MB or TS is not licensed
  • DB Update fails (v20.3) (DeleteOrphanCommentTemplateRows)
  • Error message during HANA SAP Sync (Calculation Views)
  • ABAP comment is not marked as a comment
  • Function Modules let the User switch unintentionally between systems
  • Sharepoint documents path is wrongly not supported
  • Offer in SAP System Mappings no Sources Systems which are deleted in SAP 
  • An error comes up when no BW system is licensed
  • Deleted objects are taken into account in the Excel grid export
  • A generic error occurred in GDI+ (Logo upload)
  • Checkmark placed on the wrong system

  • Description of the Selection is inherited down to the Characteristics names in Cell Definitions (Excel) 
  • Parameters of Space and Page are still considered even though the checkbox "General Path" is deactivated
  • Confluence Cloud Documentation does not work because of changes in the API
  • Crash to desktop if corrupt Excel file is uploaded in Comment Transfer
  • Crash to desktop when closing Where Used Analysis of HANA Entity if a comment is opened in the Entity Grid
  • Performance problems with Oracle databases
  • Dependent Process Chains error (META)
  • Leading spaces in the content of cells in Excel documentation
  • Exel HCPR documentation is empty
  • Bookmark in Data Flow documentation is not set to Start Routine
  • Error on Word documentation of an InfoObject that is set up as an InfoProvider
  • Dataflow Look-ups are incomplete
  • Mapping information missing in the documentation of Transformations/Data Flow
  • Missing table when documenting a DSO
  • Column Chooser Filter does not work in Data Flow Tree View
  • Confluence assignment not possible for multiple  objects in SAC and HANA
  • Icons of Unit InfoObjects missing in the documentation of Aggregation Levels
  • Functions from the context menu not working in Comment Variants

  • Closing tab with running functionality occurs to an "object reference not set bug"
  • Show entire coding does not show the right coding in Code Scan
  • Wrong detection of mapping coding in the Mapping Analysis
  • Where Used Analysis in Reporting Elements for Aggregation Levels does not work
  • A Bug appears when trying to copy an element via CTRL + C in the Analyze/Compare function
  • Wrong Icons in exported Excel File of the BO Function "Promotion Jobs"
  • InfoObject mapping analysis is not working in case the object is called in Start/Endroutine
  • Analysis "Reporting Entities with certain InfoObjects" is not working
  • Filter values in the header columns of Variables Analyzer disappear when switching to the duplicate tab
  • Analysis of the naming conventions for transports causes an error
  • BW workbook cannot be found in roles in the Where-used Analysis
  • "Usage of" is not filled in the Where Used Analysis of HANA Roles
  • Performance Problems in the HANA/BO Check Naming Convention Function
  • Transformation code is wrongly identified as AMDP instead of ABAP
  • AMDP Start Routine identified as ABAP Start Routine

  • The export check shows differences in InfoObjects even though the source and target system are identical
  • MultiProvider with Real-Time InfoCubes cannot be imported with all PartProviders
  • Real-Time InfoCube not imported as ADSO with Planning Mode
  • Replacements of PartProviders to be imported not displayed correctly
  • Migration Booster selects random DSO for import
  • Wrong Icons in Query Copy of Migration Booster

  • Translation Steward treats elements without technical names with the same English description as one object
  • Difficulties translating navigation attributes to queries
  • Time Characteristics always loaded when loading dependent elements
  • Depending Elements only opens for Queries, if the Object name is directly selected
  • Get rid of WatermarkTextBox from Xceed in Translation Steward

  • Exiting the "Change Connection" closes the AutoTool


  •   Performer Suite
  •   Docu Performer
  •   System Scout
  •  Migration Booster
  •   Translation Steward
  •   AutomationTool

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