Commands of Metadata API

Commands of Metadata API

Some standard commands can be found here.


What it does



What it does



(Default Verb) Loads object general details and lineage on the Entity level

-d, --entity-details Load entity details
--dq <true/false> (Default: false) Load additional information (for example, count the number of entries in Embedded Analytics tables).

If you use the --dq option with a HANA connection you have to pay attention that the “Select count” command isn’t client-dependent in comparison to a RFC connection.

-i, --info-area Load info areas tree structure. (available since v1.6.1)
-a, --all-versions INTERNAL: Get all object versions. By default, only version A is loaded
-c, --count-only INTERNAL: Just count the needed SAP table data rows, without computing the relations.
-f, --format Choose between GraphML (g), UML (u) and standard XML (s) format. By default, the export is done using the GraphML format. [INTERNAL] Use JSON (j) format for generating specific content for relations, to use in Data Vizualization
-s, --bw-sid Required. [BW DataLineage] Select a BW SID based on the configuration file entries

obsolete since version 1.2.5

-h, --hana-schema Required. Select a HANA schema based on the configuration file entries

-b, --hana-db Required. [HANA DataLineage] Select a HANA database based on the configuration file entries
-u, --sac-url Required. [SAC DataLineage] Select a SAC Url based on the configuration file entries
--dsp-url Required. [Datasphere DataLineage] Select a Datasphere Url based on the configuration file entries
-p, --path Set the export path. The default one is set in the configuration file, or it's 'Export' folder, otherwise
--bw <true/false> (Default: true) Extract BW Data
--embedded-analytics <true/false> (Default: false) Extract Embedded Analytics Data (CDS and DDIC artifacts)
-f, --format (Default: g) Choose between GraphML (g), UML (u) and standard XML (s) format. By default, the export is done using the GraphML format. [INTERNAL] Use JSON (j) format for generating specific content for relations, to use in Data Vizualization


Loads objects buildup and lineage on the Field/InfoObject level

-c, --code-scan <true/false> (Default: false) Load code scan details (since version 1.3.0)
-d, --descriptions Load buildup items descriptions
--mb <true/false> (Default: true) Extract mappings and buildups
-s, --bw-sid Required. [BW DataLineage] Select a BW SID based on the configuration file entries

obsolete since version 1.2.5

-h, --hana-schema Required. Select a HANA schema based on the configuration file entries

-b, --hana-db Required. [HANA DataLineage] Select a HANA database based on the configuration file entries
-u, --sac-url [NO FIELD LEVEL FOR SAC CONNECTOR] Required. [SAC DataLineage] Select a SAC Url based on the configuration file entries
--dsp-url Required. [Datasphere DataLineage] Select a Datasphere Url based on the configuration file entries
-p, --path Set the export path. The default one is set in the configuration file, or it's 'Export' folder, otherwise
--bw <true/false> (Default: true) Extract BW Data
--embedded-analytics <true/false> (Default: false) Extract Embedded Analytics Data (CDS and DDIC artifacts)


Extracts both object and field details

--dq <true/false> (Default: false) Load additional information (for example, count the number of entries in Embedded Analytics tables).

If you use the --dq option with a HANA connection you have to pay attention that the “Select count” command isn’t client-dependent in comparison to a RFC connection.

-f, --format Choose between GraphML (g), UML (u) and standard XML (s) format. By default, the export is done using the GraphML format. [INTERNAL] Use JSON (j) format for generating specific content for relations, to use in Data Vizualization
-o, --only-objects INTERNAL: Limit data loading to object level when dataspot is running
-i, --info-area Load info areas tree structure. (available since v1.6.1)
-s, --bw-sid Required. [BW DataLineage] Select a BW SID based on the configuration file entries

obsolete since version 1.2.5

-h, --hana-schema Required. Select a HANA schema based on the configuration file entries

-b, --hana-db Required. [HANA DataLineage] Select a HANA database based on the configuration file entries
-u, --sac-url Required. [SAC DataLineage] Select a SAC Url based on the configuration file entries
-p, --path Set the export path. The default one is set in the configuration file, or it's 'Export' folder, otherwise
--abap-relations <true/false> Load ABAP relations, if licensed
--bw <true/false> (Default: true) Extract BW Data
--embedded-analytics <true/false> (Default: false) Extract Embedded Analytics Data (CDS and DDIC artifacts)


Extract both object and field details and upload

-s, --bw-sid Required. [BW DataLineage] Select a BW SID based on the configuration file entries
-b, --hana-db Required. [HANA DataLineage] Select a HANA database based on the configuration file entries
--bw <true/false> (Default: true) Extract BW Data
--embedded-analytics <true/false> (Default: false) Extract Embedded Analytics Data (CDS and DDIC artifacts)
--scheme The scheme in which the upload should happen


Inserts license key

-l, --lic Required. License Key


Displays license info



Sets an encrypted password for a system added in the configuration file

-s, --bw-sid [BW DataLineage] Select a BW SID based on the configuration file entries

-b, --hana-db [HANA DataLineage] Select a HANA database based on the configuration file entries

obsolete since version 1.2.5

-h, --hana-schema Required. Select a HANA schema based on the configuration file entries

-p, --password Required. Connection password


Displays more information on a specific command



Displays version information


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