Reading the files - BW

Reading the files - BW


List of files








Object level

Details of objects (like description or other attributes/properties)


Object level

Relations between Reporting Elements, InfoProvider, DataSources, and Transformations


Object level

Tree structure of BW InfoAreas with their descriptions.


Field and code level

Buildup of the objects with their contained InfoObject, Fields, and Rules + some additional information


Field level

Mappings between InfoObjects, Fields, and Rules across BW Queries, InfoProvider, DataSource, and Transformations


Field level

Descriptions of Fields, InfoObjects, and Rules


Object and field level

all content of object and field level in one uml like file

Standard cases

In all the files we use IDs for entities and Field/InfoObjects.

The ID includes the object type in every case. A list with all object types can be found here.


For entities the IDs are a combination of the SAP internal identifier, a separator “|”, and the entity type.

The normal case is <object ID>|<object type>, but there are exceptions (see chapter exceptions).

  • BW Query: 00O2TFIS8KH7TIIRUUIONW8BZ|REP (00O2TFIS8KH7TIIRUUIONW8BZ is the UID and SAP internal identifier)

  • CompositeProvider: /IMO/V_FIGL03|HCPR

  • Calculated Key Figure: 18GYMPC6EXPPMBD8WHA5HY6TD|CKF (18GYMPC6EXPPMBD8WHA5HY6TD is the UID and SAP internal identifier)


For Fields/InfoObjects and Elements (locale Formulas, local Selection, Restricted and Calculated Key Figures) the IDs are a combination of the SAP internal identifier of the Field/InfoObject, a separator “|”, and the parent entity ID.

The normal case is <field/InfoObject ID>|<object ID>|<object type>, but there are exceptions (see chapter exceptions).

  • Calculated Key Figure in BW Query: 055QGZV4AT4XGFL1YQUULKE0G|055QGZV4AT4XFZSRLRULRR4OO|REP

  • Field/InfoObject in CompositeProvider: 0AC_LEDGER|/IMO/V_FIGL03|HCPR

  • Field/InfoObject in CKF: ZKEY11|18GYMPC6EXPPMBD8WHA5HY6TD|CKF

Transformation Rules

Transformation rules are part of the Mappings file and the Buildup file. The IDs are a combination of the SAP internal identifier of the Rule (Number as ID), a separator “|”, and the parent entity ID.

The normal case is <rule ID>|<Transformation ID>|TRFN






For DataSources we have another identifier, the logical system. This identifier is written in the second place. The same is done for fields of DataSources, where the logical system is in the third place.

In general rules we have

  • DataSources: <DataSource ID>|<logical System>|<object type>

  • Fields of DataSources: <field ID>|<DataSource ID>|<logical System>|<object type>


  • DataSource: Z_2LIS_02_HDR|BW4CDS|RSDS

  • Field of DataSource: EBELN|Z_2LIS_02_HDR|BW4CDS|RSDS

Fields of Open ODS Views

Open ODS Views can contain one or two so-called semantics. The semantics can contain the same fields. So we have to distinguish between the semantics (there are 3 different types - F, M, and T). For that reason we inserted a semantics identifier in the second place:

General rule

  • <field ID>|<Semantics ID>|<Open ODS View ID>|FBPA



Navigation Attributes

In some places, you will find navigation attributes that are written in a special way. The navigation attribute can be found in the second place.

That logic is needed because their description can be overwritten in multiple places in SAP.

Open ODS Views

In Open ODS Views you can find Navigation Attributes in the form of

  • <field ID>|<Navigation Attribute ID>|<Semantics ID>|<Open ODS View ID>|FBPA




In CompositeProvider you can find Navigation Attributes in the form of

  • <field/InfoObject ID>|<Navigation Attribute ID>|<CompositeProvider ID>|HCPR



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