Document toolboxDocument toolbox

Roles and Authorization Export Settings

Settings for Roles documentation 

List all users assigned to the role

Includes a list of all users assigned to the Role within the Role documentation:

List all tables to authorization groups of S_TABU_DIS objects

Includes a list of all tables of authorization groups that are authorized via S_TABU_DIS objects.

The following sample shows chapter of a Role documentation which lists all tables authorized by auth. group BIWH.

Only when the checkbox is ticked this chapter will be inserted.


Settings for Analysis Authorizations documentation

General Information

If you like to create a documentation of a mass of Analysis Authorizations it may make no sense to see the General Information chapter for every of this Analysis Authorization. So you can select or deselect this chapter.

Authorization Values

With this setting, you can enable or disable the Authorization Values chapter in the documentation.

Usage in Roles

With this setting, you can enable or disable the Usage in Roles chapter in the documentation.

List users directly assigned to the Analysis Authorization

This setting inserts a chapter in the documentation that shows all users assigned to the Analysis Authorization:


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