Assignment Outside the Scenario Designer

Assignment Outside the Scenario Designer

You can also insert SAP objects into a Scenario from outside the Scenario Designer. This assignment is made via the context menu „Scenario Assignment and Usage“ or "Assign Scenario".

Under "Assign Scenarios" the last five scenarios are displayed in entities objects have been assigned.

Scenario Assignment and Usage

A dialog box opens with two tabs: „Assign to Scenarios“ and „Show Usage in Scenarios“.  

This is possible from the following locations:

  • Tab objects (including relations)
  • Data Flow View (tree or network)
  • Analysis: Analysis Reports: Resolve Transport Lists
  • Analysis: Where-Used Analysis: Where-Used Analysis for BW Entities
  • Analysis: Analyze/Compare Elements 

The tab "Assign to Scenarios" shows the Scenario folders and contained Scenarios and allows you to assign the previously selected objects to the selected Scenarios via the "Assign"-button so that these objects are inserted into the respective structure of the Scenarios. The objects are always inserted into the chapter "Unassigned" unless there is an assignment rule that corresponds to the added object.

The tab "Show Usage in Scenarios" shows the previously selected objects and the Scenarios in which the object is used. A drop-down menu allows you to select a specific Scenario so that all uses of this Scenario are selected. The "Remove" button can be used to remove the assignment of an object to a Scenario so that the object is removed from the Scenario structure.

Assign Scenario

Assign Scenario is the option for a faster assignment to Scenarios. In the context menu of Assign Scenario are stored the last 5 Scenarios which were used to assign Entities to. They are stored per user. There is also an option to delete all Scenario Assignments with one option in the context menu.

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