Single Sign-On
The Performer Suite supports single sign-on as an alternative to login with user and password.
To use SSO your license file has to contain the SNC-parameters of the SAP systems.
An SNC Partner name can look like this:, OU=TEST01, O=myCompany, C=US
When your Performer Suite license contains an SNC-connection parameter the SAP-connection window shows the following additional options:
Here you can specify if you want to use SSO. In case the corresponding checkbox is ticked, please initially specify the SNC mechanism, you can choose between NTLM and Kerberos5. The selected option will be saved.
Requirements to use SSO
In a 32-bit environment:
Create a system environment variable called "SNC_LIB" and point it to the 32-bit SNC library.
In the case of Kerberos5 the library is "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\gsskrb5.dll", in case of NTLM the library is "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\gssntlm.dll"
In a 64-bit environment:
Create a system environment variable called "SNC_LIB_x64" or "SN_LIB_64" and point it to the 64-bit SNC library.
In the case of Kerberos5 the library is "C:\Windows\System32\gx64krb5.dll", in case of NTLM the library is "C:\Windows\System32\gx64ntlm.dll"
In addition, the SAP Crypto libraries of the SAP GUI also work with the Docu Performer
C:\Program Files\SAP\FrontEnd\SecureLogin\lib\sapcrypto.dll
The relevant DLLs are provided by SAP. These DLLs are different for 32-bit and 64-bit platforms and are available with SNOTE* 352295.
You can download the DLLs from
Please check for further information in the Knowledge Base article:
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