Settings for Customer Exit Variables

Settings for Customer Exit Variables

To support the documentation of Customer Exit Variables some settings regarding how the coding is implemented need to be set.

These settings will be saved regardless of the settings variants.

 Following ways are supported: 

  1. The code is maintained directly in Include ZXRSRU01 (or in other Includes that are called directly from ZXRSRU01)

  2. The code is encapsulated in Function Modules

  3. The code is encapsulated in Classes/Methods

In case of 2. and 3., the name of the Class/Method or Function Module per Variable is derived from a mapping table or from the Variable's technical name. In variant 3. it is also supported to use a fixed Class name and the code for each Variable is stored in the according Methods.
In case all 3 checkboxes are ticked, all 3 ways are executed to find the coding of the Variable. So in case, you use different ways of implementation please tick several boxes.

The implementation parameters can be customized in "Settings" > "Business Warehouse" > "Customer Exit Variables"

Derivation of Function Module names in the Customer exit variable tab of the BW Settings

Settings details for implementations using Function Modules 

In case the coding is encapsulated in Classes/Methods, there are the following options:

Details for encapsulation in Classes or Methods in the Customer Exit variables tab of the BW Settings

Settings details for implementations using Classes/Methods 

Please contact support@bluetellience.de in case you are using other implementations that are not supported by the Performer Suite yet. 
To test these settings you can call the analysis "Show ABAP code of Customer Exit" from:

a) the context menu ('System Scout' must be licensed for this)

b) the Variables Analyzer ('System Scout' must be licensed for this)
The code will be shown in a popup window.

Whether the ABAP code should be exported into 'Variables documentation' can be determined in the "Reporting" settings tab.

  • Documentation of Variables within a Query

  • Documentation of Variables standalone (out of Query context)

Show entire coding option

The Performer Suite identifies the steps of the coding for Customer Exit Variables and displays the code step by step and only the code which is done in these steps.
With the setting Show entire coding, you can see the entire coding of the Customer Exit Variable. In the screenshot below you can see the difference. The left screenshot shows the coding with the setting Show entire coding, on the right screenshot you can see the coding without this setting.


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