Network View
General Visualizations in Network View
Data Flows can be shown as a tree view and as a network. You can easily switch between the different layouts with the tabs "Tree View" and "Network". The standard layout of Data Flows can be enhanced by additional information. For some of them (DTP+InfoPackage Filter, Look-Ups) the System Scout is required. Also, comments can only be shown in case the Docu Performer is licensed.
Entity nodes
Entity nodes in the Data Flow are shown with the icon of the related entity type and the technical name in the first row. For HANA entities you can see the Package or Path in the second row (written italic). For ABAP CDS entities in the second row (written italic) you can see the DDIC View name. For HANA and ABAP CDS entities, the third row shows the description of the entities. BW and DDIC nodes have their description in the second row.
If an entity is not synchronized you can see this in the icon in the node (for more details see Unsynchronized Entities).
Transformation nodes
In the nodes of transformations, you can find some more details after you started one of the analysis functions (see Data Flow Analysis).
Toolbar Items
In the following, the toolbar and the functionalities are explained:
It is possible to show/hide a grid in the background of the Data Flow and to make the entities snap to the grid .
You can zoom in or out by pressing the respective button in the toolbar, using your scroll wheel while pressing down your ctrl-key or by using the zoom slider in the bottom right corner.
Furthermore, you can reset the zoom to the default setting .
The function of your cursor can be changed from the standard pointer to the pan mode , to navigate on the whole data flow.
The Layout of the Data Flow can be optimized and the width of the nodes can be chosen in the Network View.
You can change the display of Transformations from nods to small icons and you are able to expand or collapse additional information related to the Transformations.
This especially makes sense after you started a Data Flow Analysis before.
You can show and hide the description of the nodes in the network view.
The System Scout functionalities Look-Up Analysis and Show DTPs and InfoPackages incl. Filters are available in the Data Flow.
loads the sub-types of the BW entities to the Network View.
activates or deactivates the display of the whole flow of the selected entity in the Data Flow.
You can access the Data Flow Layer maintenance , toggle the display of the Layer and toggle if the Layer background should be colored too .
loads superordinate objects like Queries or BO entities to the Data Flow. exports the presentation of the current Data Flow as Word, Power Point, PDF, Image or directly print it.
With the Layer Assignment in the Network View is refreshed.
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