User Management Settings

User Management Settings

In the tab "Settings“ specifications for the login with SAP BW, BO and HANA users can be set.

Settings tab in the User Management area divided into BW, BO and HANA Users

Allow Application login with SAP BW/BO/HANA Users:
This setting allows and accordingly prevents logging into Performer Suite with an SAP BW/BO/HANA user.

Automatically create a new user when an unknown SAP BW/BO/HANA user logs in:
If this setting is ticked, new users are automatically created into Performer Suite, when an SAP BW/BO/HANA user logs in for the first time with his SAP user ID and password. If this setting is deactivated, SAP BW/BO/HANA user for Performer Suite can only be created manually.

Give users created by logon access to the following BO tools:
Automatically created SAP BO users get access to the ticked BO tools. This setting effects the used user licenses. For each system and tool, a user license is needed.

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