Bookmarks in Word Templates

Bookmarks in Word Templates

You can define bookmarks in Word templates that will be filled with values when a documentation is generated.

Those bookmarks can only be used once in the Word Template.

Available bookmarks are:

Example file: bookmarks.dotx


Exported Value


SID of the currently selected SAP system


Generation Date of the document


Scenario description


Scenario Version (custom input) (Scenario Export)


Selected Settings Variant for the degree of technical details of the documentation


Selected Comment Variant of defined entity comment chapters (Maintaining Comment Variants)


Current user name (full name available, else user ID)


The technical name of a Scenario


Grid Comment 1 of the documented Entity or Scenario in the current selected language (not possible for the export in a single WORD file with multiple entities)


Grid Comment 2 of the documented Entity or Scenario in the current selected language (not possible for the export in a single WORD file with multiple entities)


Grid Comment 3 of the documented Entity or Scenario in the current selected language (not possible for the export in a single WORD file with multiple entities)


Grid Comment 4 of the documented Entity or Scenario in the current selected language (not possible for the export in a single WORD file with multiple entities)


Grid Comment 5 of the documented Entity or Scenario in the current selected language (not possible for the export in a single WORD file with multiple entities)

The following sample shows how the bookmark SID can be integrated into a Word Template. The SID of the current SAP system will be integrated into the header so that it will be visible on every page of the exported document.

  1. Edit the header and insert text "SID: xx" (xx can be any other text of your choice)

    SID bookmark in the Word Template
  2. Mark the xx text and choose menu "Insert" -> "Bookmark"

    Bookmark function in the Insert ribbon of Microsoft Word
  3. Add a bookmark named "SID"

  4. Save Word document as .dotx file

Result: When you create a document using the Word Template the bookmark will be filled with the SID:

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