Enable Logging

Enable Logging

  1. Search for the nlog.config file inside the Website installation directory.
  2. Open it with notepad.
  3. Change the value of the minLevel variable from "Info" to "Trace"

    <variable name="minLevel" value="Info" />
    <!-- to  -->
    <variable name="minLevel" value="Trace" />
  4. Recycle the Application Pool or restart the Website

Example Content of the nlog.config for Trace logging:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<nlog xmlns="http://www.nlog-project.org/schemas/NLog.xsd"

	<variable name="minLevel" value="Trace" />

		<add assembly="NLog.Web.AspNetCore"/>

		<target name="logFileDefaultAsync" xsi:type="AsyncWrapper">
			<target name="logFileDefault" xsi:type="File"
					header="EnterpriseGlossary: ${assembly-version:type=Assembly}"
					layout="[${date}] [${processid}] [${level}] [${logger}] [${callsite:className=False:includeNamespace=False:includeSourcePath=False}] ${message} ${exception:format=tostring}"
					footer="EnterpriseGlossary: ${assembly-version:type=Assembly}"
					archiveEvery="Day" archiveNumbering="Date"/>

		<logger name="*" minlevel="${var:minLevel}" writeTo="logFileDefaultAsync" /> 

		<!--Skip non-critical Microsoft logs and so log only own logs-->
		<logger name="Microsoft.*" maxlevel="Info" final="true" />

Example Content of the nlog.config with minimal logging:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<nlog xmlns="http://www.nlog-project.org/schemas/NLog.xsd"

	<variable name="minLevel" value="Info" />

		<add assembly="NLog.Web.AspNetCore"/>

		<target name="logFileDefaultAsync" xsi:type="AsyncWrapper">
			<target name="logFileDefault" xsi:type="File"
					header="EnterpriseGlossary: ${assembly-version:type=Assembly}"
					layout="[${date}] [${processid}] [${level}] [${logger}] [${callsite:className=False:includeNamespace=False:includeSourcePath=False}] ${message} ${exception:format=tostring}"
					footer="EnterpriseGlossary: ${assembly-version:type=Assembly}"
					archiveEvery="Day" archiveNumbering="Date"/>

		<logger name="*" minlevel="${var:minLevel}" writeTo="logFileDefaultAsync" /> 

		<!--Skip non-critical Microsoft logs and so log only own logs-->
		<logger name="Microsoft.*" maxlevel="Info" final="true" />

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