Performance of Renamings
Performance of Renamings
Renamings have their own complex logic. That’s why the following must be taken into account using the Migration Booster:
- Data records can be deleted in the Renamings table (by right-clicking the relevant table entry). This doesn’t apply for Renamings with the origin “Modeling Entity”. If deleting a Modeling Object, it’s entry will be removed from the table too.
- For Importing InfoProvider or InfoObjects only Renamings with the origin “Excel Upload” are used.
- When Copying Reporting Elements all Renamings are inserted.
- When uploading an Excel File again, old Renamings with the origin “Excel Upload” are solely adapted or completed.
- Duplicates may occur in the Renamings table. For example, there will be two entries for one Object if an Excel File is uploaded and the relevant Object is imported subsequently. Once allocated with the origin “Excel Upload” and once with the origin “Modeling Entity”. It is also conceivable that a third data set with the origin “Reporting Elements Copy” is created if Renamings are done manually to copy Reporting Elements.
- When copying Reporting Elements, manually conducted Renamings are saved as more specialized Types. For example, instead of saving the entry as “IOBJ”, Types like “CHA”, “KYF” or “UNI” are used for saving. An exception here are the name changes of InfoProvider, as the Tool cannot detect their type they are set to “IP” (InfoProvider)
- Modeled Objects are displayed with a particular type (CHA, KYF, UNI).
- Objects created directly in the Migration Booster, meaning they aren’t related on an SAP-Object, don’t have a cell entry in the “Original Technical Name” column.
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