Variable Analyzer

Variable Analyzer

The function "Variable Analyzer" can be found in the System Scout:

The Variables Analyzer offers the following functionalities:

  • Select Variables by properties, which can be helpful in case a Variable with certain properties is searched and you want to check if one exists yet. So this feature can help to avoid the creation of duplicate Variables with identical properties.
  • Identify existing Variables with identical properties (Variables of Process Type "SAP-Exit" or "Customer Exit" are excluded from the result because they probably have different codings)
  • Support to get rid of duplicate Variables by showing the usage of those

To start the analysis you first have to select a system and the Variables you want to analyze or search for. For the selection 2 modes are available:

Standard selection

For the standard selection, you can enter a restriction on InfoObjects and/or Variables. Wildcard * must be used in case you want to select several InfoObjects. The following screenshot shows how to start an analysis on all Characteristics starting with tech name 0CAL and having Z as the first digit of the technical name:


The number of Variables that refer to this selection is shown at the bottom left from the "List Variables" button.

Advanced selection

The advanced selection offers a grid to restrict the selection of InfoObjects and Variables. Here the selected entities are visualized as a kind of preview.

The analysis will be processed only for the selected entries in the grid, so you have the possibility to exclude Variables that should not be considered. In case you want to start the analysis for all shown entries, the fastest way is to select all entries by the key combination CTRL+A.


The number of the selected entities is shown as text at the bottom.

The result of the analysis is shown in a grid with 2 tabs. The normal view shows the Variables that were found according to the selection. When the option "Show usage of Variables" was checked the usage of the Variables can be shown by expanding the rows (click on + icon).


The Duplicates view groups Variables with identical properties. It shows also the usage (when checkbox "Show usage of Variables" was checked or by double click).

Our proposition is to keep the Variable that is most used and to replace the other Variables with this one.

To figure out which Variable is used most you can do a Where-Used Analysis of the Variables.

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