Process Chain Runtimes

Process Chain Runtimes

The function "Process Chain" can be found in the search view:

This function gives you an overview of scheduled Process Chains in the past and in the future. There are two different functionalities in this function:

  • Matrix of Logs (already run Process Chains)
  • Scheduled chains (scheduled Process Chains in the future)

Matrix of Logs

This functionality reads all logs of Process Chains that have been running on the selected date and the day before and shows them in a matrix structure in Excel.

The report helps to monitor chain runs but also provides an overview of how many chains are running in parallel at the same time. This should be very helpful to detect "empty" time intervals when new Process Chains should be scheduled or in order to optimize the whole load process.

The settings for this report allow to select:

  • the date for which the analysis should be done (the analysis includes automatically also the day before the selected day so that overnight Chain runs will be completely shown)
  • the chains to be analyzed
  • if detailed runtime of the contained processes of the chains should be displayed.

The System Scout generates the following Excel file as a result:

The colors have the following meaning:

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