Filename settings

Filename settings

The export location of the created documents can be set in the "General > Export" tab.

Filename settings in the general tab of the settings

There can be multiple SAP Systems in use within the company (e. g. Development, Testing, and Production). In order to separate the documents of the various systems, the Performer Suite automatically creates an additional folder in the target location defined in the path settings.
This folder will have a 3-digit SAP System ID (e.g. BWD, BWQ or BWP).

Specifying a target location for created documents

The “Filename settings” are predefined, but can be changed by the user.
Use "drag & drop" to move the filename-elements as you desire.

GIF showing the sorting of the filename elements

Using these settings, the created documentations will be saved in the folder as defined in the “Path settings”. The path for the document repository is stored independently from the settings-variant. In addition, the path is individually customizable for each user, this information is even for global settings-variants not saved in the database.
The generated documents will be saved in the target location as shown in the screenshot below.

Object type folders for the created documents.

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