Scenario Folders

Scenario Folders

Scenarios can be found in the product tab "Docu Performer" > "Scenario Directory":

Scenario Directory in the Docu Performer Ribbon

The Scenarios are structured and organized in folders. The folders can be build up hierarchically via Subfolders.

Scenario hierarchy from left to right with folders, Scenarios and contained objects

Moving a Scenario

A single Scenario can be moved via the "Browse" button in the Scenario properties.

Folder interactions

  • "Create Subfolder" - can be created via the context menu of the parent folder.

  • "New Folder" - creates a new Folder.

  • "Save folder layout" - Saves your current opened folder layout, which is then automatically loaded the next time you open Scenarios.

  • "Rename" - Renames Folders and Subfolders.

  • "Delete" - Deletes Folders and Subfolders.

  • "Refresh" - Refreshes the folder tree structure.

  • "Show/edit scheduled Scenarios" - Schedules an automated background export of your scenarios. See: AutomationTool and Automated Export.

At least one folder must be created first before it is possible to create a scenario.
Within a scenario folder, several Scenarios can be created.

The Scenario folder structure can represent your departments and the Scenario can represent your application.
If an application is too complex, a Scenario can represent also a sub-application and the folder the application.

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