Symantec False Positive Detection

Symantec False Positive Detection


The 'Symantec' application moves the setup.exe into quarantine due to insufficient reputation.


Symantec Endpoint Protection Notification
Scan type: Auto-Protect Scan
Event: Security Risk Found!
Security risk detected: WS Reputation
File: docuperformer_setup_19_3_0_1_64bit
Location: Quarantine
Computer: ******
User: ******
Action taken: Quarantine succeeded
Date found: Donnerstag. 10 Oktober 2019 08:43:25


Suspected Erroneous Detection due to insufficient reputation.


Please report the false positive through Symantecs' whitelist.
(We would do this step for you, but unfortunately, we do not know, which exact Symantec product you are using.)

We would 

  1. Go to 'https://submit.symantec.com/whitelist/'
  2. 'Report false positive'
  3. 'When installing an application'
  4. Select the Symantec Product you are using.

Feel free to create a ticket in our Help Desk and attach the DocuPerformer.log-file, if you need any further support.
Thank you!

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